Tales of Fairwood Forest. A Lush forest where Gladly Bear, Samuel Mouse, Andrea Skunk and others live. These cubs have their various adventures and at the end of each adventure they go see Miss Rosie the Wise Old Owl. She tells them a Bible story relating to their latest adventure. All work is copywrite by Dave Pardoe

Friday, October 21, 2011

Rainy Days

                It was another rainy day in Fairwood Forest and Andrea Skunk was bored.  As she sat  by the living room window, she looked out at the raindrops falling against the window and sighed.  The skies were dark, cloudy and gray.  It had been raining for 3 days and it didn't look like it was going to end any time soon.

            Suddenly a loud crash sounded from upstairs and Andrea could hear her mother yelling.

            “How many times have I told you boys not to play football in the house?  Just look what you've done to my vase.  Now clean up this mess and wash up.  I've invited Miss Rosie over for lunch and she should be here soon.”

            Shortly a freshly scrubbed and contrite Kevin came down the stairs, followed by his brother Bryan.  At the same time Mrs. Skunk came from the front hall leading Miss Rosie.

            “Miss Rosie!” they all cried as they rushed forward to hug her.  Andrea grabbed her hand and begged Miss Rosie to sit next to her, as she led her to the dining room.

            They sat at the table, and Mrs. Skunk asked Miss Rosie to lead them in the blessing for the meal.  Before long they were busy enjoying Mrs. Skunk's delightful meal.  After they finished, Kevin cleared the table and they all gathered in the living room.

            “I'm so glad you were able to make it today Miss Rosie.” said Mrs. Skunk. “The children have been going crazy trapped in the house with all this rain.”

            “Well 3 days of rain isn't so much,” replied Miss Rosie.  “Did you know there was once a time when it rained nonstop for 40 days?”

            “Was that back when you were a little girl?” asked Bryan.

            “Oh my, it was a long time before that,” replied Miss Rosie.  “Would you like me to tell you about it?”

            “YES!” chorused the kids.

            “Well then sit right back and I will tell you about,” said Miss Rosie.

            “A long time ago, God was sad.  You see the people back then were really bad and it made God sad that they disobeyed him and did such bad things.  They disobeyed their parents, they stole the lied and were not good people.  God decided He would destroy the earth and all the bad people.

            But there was one good man, his name was Noah.  He had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

            God told Noah, “I am going to destroy the earth and all the bad people.  Build an ark (that was a giant boat) to save yourself and your family.  Also all the animals, two by two will go on the ark with you.”

            Noah obeyed God and built the ark.  And when it was finished, God sent the animals to Noah to be put on board the ark.  Noah's wife and sons and their wives also boarded the ark.

            Then the rain started.  For forty days and forty nights it rained.  The water covered the earth and there was no dry place to go.  The water rose so high that even the mountains were covered, and all the bad people died in the flood waters.  Noah and his family were safe because they obeyed God.  You think it's bad being stuck in the house for three days?  It was five months before the earth dried out enough that the ark could finally land on top of a mountain.

            It was another three months before they could even see the tops of the other mountains.  Forty days later Noah opened the window and released a dove, but the dove couldn't find any land and returned to Noah and the ark.

            Seven days later he released the dove again.  This time the dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak.  This told Noah that the waters were drying up.  Yet he stayed seven more days and released the dove once again.  This time the dove never returned and Noah opened the ark and saw the land was dry. Then God told Noah to leave the ark, bring out all the animals and repopulate the earth.

            Noah built an alter to God and offered burnt offerings to God in thanks.  This made God happy and He decided to never again destroy the earth.

            God told Noah that He made this promise to him, that he would no longer would he flood the earth.  As a sign of God's promise, he set the rainbow in the sky.  God told Noah that whenever it rained the rainbow would appear and God would remember His promise.

            That is why we should also keep promises we make, because God has kept His promise.   In fact when it rains, look up into the sky and look for the rainbow.  It will remind you of God's promise.”

Miss Rosie found this Bible story in Genesis 6:11 - 9:17


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